Government funded Settlement Agencies help newcomers connect with services and navigate processes and applications. Each and every newcomer should be connected to one.
Government of Ontario: Newcomer and settlement services
Government of Canada: Find free newcomer services near you
Here are a few of the more well-known Settlement Agencies in Toronto:
1. Access Alliance: A Community Health Centre and settlement agency, they offer a wide range of programs and resources for newcomers.
2. Culture Link: A Settlement Agency in Toronto that runs settlement, mentorship and employment programs (among them are the bike host program and settlement workers in schools program).
3. COSTI: The settlement agency responsible for supporting government assisted refugees in Toronto, they are a huge organization with several locations, and many of their services/ programs are open to privately sponsored refugees.
4. The Arab Community Centre: With several locations in Toronto, they provide counseling, support groups, information and workshop sessions, some services focus on Youth, Women and/or Seniors.
5. The Afghan Women's Association: Farsi and Arabic speaking staff provide counselling, settlement services and referrals.
6. The Eritrean Community Centre of Toronto: Open to all, with a focus on Eritrean and east African communities, they provide interpretation, informal counselling, community orientation, recreation, and cultural activities.
7. Ethiopian Association in the Greater Toronto Area and Surrounding Regions: A non-political, non-profit, independent, community-based organization that provides settlement and social services to people of Ethiopian origin and others.
8. The Rexdale Women's Centre: Services in many languages and locations including orientation, translation, interpretation, referral to community resources, solution focused counselling, general information, employment-related services, and assistance with accessing government services and forms.
9. Provides information and referrals for immigrant and refugee youth all over Ontario on interdisciplinary subjects like financial assistance, skills development and mentorship programs.
10. Working Women Community Centre offers Settlement Services with a special focus on women and their particular needs. Services include language instructions, Women’s Support Services, art workshops etc..
11. The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO) is a Settlement Agency in Toronto’s Thorncliff Park offering a huge range of services and supports to newcomers in Thorncliff and Flemington Park.