AURA’s Assurance Fund is a special refugee sponsorship fund that will be used over and over again to enable refugees to be sponsored to Canada.
As a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH), AURA is ultimately responsible for ensuring each sponsored refugee receives adequate financial support. There is a financial liability associated with each sponsorship, ranging from $16,500.00 for a single person to about $40,000.00 for a small family. Sponsor groups must raise this money before we can submit an application for them.
The AURA Assurance Fund gives us flexibility in temporarily backing up the liability – or a portion of the liability - for a particular sponsorship.
This allows AURA to:
• Make the sponsorship program more accessible to people without a lot of money.
• Recognize the planned in-kind contributions of family members and sponsors.
• Submit applications sooner, allowing the processing time (often 1-2 years) to be used for additional fundraising.
• Get refugees who are in especially difficult situations to Canada faster.
By giving AURA the flexibility to carefully and responsibly back-up the liability associated with sponsorships, the AURA Assurance Fund will be used repeatedly to enable many future sponsorships. The larger the fund, the more flexibility we can offer to our sponsor groups and the families we work with.
This is separate from our operational fundraising. Please consider contributing to this effort with private donations, corporate donations or funds remaining after a sponsorship is complete.
Please help us build this fund and support more refugees for years to come.
If you would like to donate to AURA’s Assurance Fund:
• Please add a note to your donation indicating that it is designated for the “Assurance Fund” (or you can email admin@auraforrefugees).
• We will keep you informed of how the funds is used in the future so you see the results of your contribution.