Walk 'n roll for Refugees 2023


AURA (Anglican United Refugee Alliance) is a Canadian charitable organization assisting in the sponsorship and resettlement of refugees based in Toronto. We work in partnership with Anglican and United Churches as well as local community groups to support the arrival of newcomers through the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program. Our mission is to provide support and expertise to groups involved in refugee sponsorship and resettlement.

There are many ways caring people can get involved with AURA in order to help refugees, this includes: Become a Donor, Become a Refugee Sponsor, or Become an AURA Volunteer. It is only through YOUR generous contributions and support that refugees can begin their Canadian lives through AURA.

If you are interested in giving today, you can make a secure and tax-deductible donation online to AURA:

or you can e-transfer your donation to AURA directly through your bank by sending it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send a separate email with the eTransfer password details and your full name and mailing address.



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